Wednesday, April 17, 2024 — Participating restaurants will donate 25% of the cost of your meal to support people living with, or affected by, HIV/AIDS in Sudbury.
Participating Restaurants
Peppi’s Ristorante & Lounge
93 Durham Street
11:00AM to 4:00PM
25% of sales from feature item only (TBD)
Wander Food & Wine
112 Durham Street
12:00PM to 9:00PM
19+ after 7:00PM
Kuppajo Espresso Bar
109 Larch Street
2:00PM to 8:00PM
The Daventry Kitchen & Bar
1500 Regent Street
5:00PM to 9:00PM
Community Support
How do I support A Taste for Life?
It’s simple! All you have to do is go out to eat at a Participating Restaurant on Wednesday, April 17, 2024!
What if I can’t make it out to eat that day?
No problem! You can make a direct donation to the campaign online, here! Full tax receipts are issued for all donations over $10.
What else can I do to support the event?
Follow us on social media, using the links below. Post with the hashtag #TasteSudbury, and share our posts on Facebook & Twitter! Help us get the word out.
What is A Taste for Life?
- A Taste for Life is an annual campaign, where participating restaurants donate 25% of the day’s sales, to improve the lives of those living with HIV/AIDS in our community.
- It takes place in over 20 communities across Canada
- All proceeds in Sudbury are donated to Réseau ACCESS Network; all dollars remain local to support people in our own community.
- A volunteer (or two) will be assisnged to your restaurant as A Taste for Life ambassadors, to talk with any guests who may have questions about the event.
What is Réseau ACCESS Network?
- A non-profit, community-based charitable organization, providing direct assistance to those in Sudbury/Manitoulin, who are living with, or affected by, HIV/AIDS and Hepatitis C
- Improves the lives of those in the community through: street outreach and harm reduction initiatives, presenting workshops and education activities, clinical services for “at risk” populations, a client food bank, and social services.
What are the Participating Restaurant’s benefits?
- The event will be heavily promoted, including reference to your restaurant as a participating restaurant
- Your restaurant will be mentioned in press releases, media interviews, any online presence (Facebook, aTasteForLife.org)
- We will encourage patrons to dine at your restaurant, as a participating restaurant
- We will provide you with promotional material (posters, postcards) to encourage your dinners to return on event day
What are the Participating Restaurant’s responsibilities?
- Display A Taste for Life promotional material for a minimum of two weeks prior to the event
- Display A Taste for Life card on each table for the duration of the event (provided by Réseau ACCESS Network)
- Allow distribution of a door prize ballot in the form of a donation envelope, for the duration of the event –a volunteer (or two) will be assigned to your restaurant to distribute the ballots, to avoid any extra burden on your staff
- Provide a minimum of 25% of the day’s sales (lunch & dinner, or dinner only – including alcohol, before HST) to the charity
How do I become a Participating Restaurant?
- Contact Telana LeClair at (705) 688-0500 ext 215, or by email at [email protected]
- 2024 restaurants need to be confirmed by March 1, 2024
What is A Taste for Life?
- A Taste for Life is an annual campaign, where participating restaurants donate 25% of the day’s sales, to improve the lives of those living with HIV/AIDS in our community.
- It takes place in over 20 communities across Canada
- All proceeds in Sudbury are donated to Réseau ACCESS Network; all dollars remain local to support people in our own community.
- A volunteer (or two) will be assisnged to your restaurant as A Taste for Life ambassadors, to talk with any guests who may have questions about the event.
What is Réseau ACCESS Network?
- A non-profit, community-based charitable organization, providing direct assistance to those in Sudbury/Manitoulin, who are living with, or affected by, HIV/AIDS and Hepatitis C
- Improves the lives of those in the community through: street outreach and harm reduction initiatives, presenting workshops and education activities, clinical services for “at risk” populations, a client food bank, and social services.
What are the benefits to a Community Sponsor?
- Your business logo will be present on all print material, and online presence (Facebook, aTasteForLife.org)
- Your business will be the exclusive sponsor in your field
- Your business will have the opportunity to have a staff representative present at one Participating Restaurant
Sponsorship Levels
Presenting Sponsor - $4,000
- Exclusive title sponsor of the event
- Company logo and recognition as Presenting Sponsor on all promotional material produced for the event (social media, digital and printed)
- All advertising will state “Company and Réseau ACCESS Network present A Taste for Life”
- Recognition as presenting sponsor in all television and radio ads
- Acknowledgement as presenting sponsor in all media releases
- Company logo with a link to Sponsor’s website on aTasteforLife.org in the Sudbury section & ReseauACCESSNetwork.com/TasteSudbury
- Opportunity for on-site signage*
- Opportunity to provide promotional materials at the event*
- Opportunity for corporate staff representation at Participating Restaurants
- Access to Facebook.com/TasteSudbury ’s Facebook followers via shared posts for Community Sponsor’s events/specials occasionally through the year
- Presence at Media Launch event in April
Community Sponsor- $2,000
- Company logo on promotional material produced for the event (digital and printed)
- Company logo and recognition as Community Sponsor on social media
- Company logo with a link to Sponsor’s website on aTasteforLife.org in the Sudbury section & ReseauACCESSNetwork.com/TasteSudbury
- Access to Facebook.com/TasteSudbury ’s Facebook followers via shared posts for Community Sponsor’s events/specials occasionally through the year
- Opportunity for two staff representatives from the Community Sponsor to be present at one Participating Restaurant as a host
- Opportunity for on-site signage at one participating restaurant*
- Presence at Media Launch event in April
Corporate Donor- $100-1,000
- Company name recognized on social media and online at ReseauACCESSNetwork.com/TasteSudbury & aTasteforLife.org/sudbury.html
- Full charitable tax receipt for amount donated
Restaurant Hosts Needed!
Position Purpose – Our participating restaurants donate 25% of the evening’s sales to Réseau ACCESS Network to support those living with/affected by HIV/AIDS & Hepatitis C. The other component for raising funds, is the donation envelopes that are distributed to diners for additional donations. Funds raised by diners account for about 50% of the total raised for the event, and the Restaurant Hosts are a huge part of that success.
Responsibilities – The responsibility of a Restaurant Host is to promote your restaurant, and engage and encourage people to join you and dine out. We do this by:
- Promoting your restaurant within your personal networks, encouraging people to dine out on Wednesday, May 1, 2019, to support the restaurant, the organization, and your participation
- To be present on Wednesday, April 22nd, 2020
- To greet diners and let them know about A Taste for Life
- Inform diners about the door prize
- Gently encouraging diners to donate, and speaking about Réseau ACCESS Network
Hosts are also asked to collect the diner donation envelopes and deliver them to Réseau ACCESS Network that evening (or arrange an alternate method with the event coordinator).
Time Commitment – All Restaurant Hosts are expected to attend one of the brief orientations prior to the event date, as well as are expected to be available for a dinner shift (approximately 5:00 PM to 8:00 PM), or a lunch shift (approximately 11:30 AM to 2:00 PM).
How to Apply – Interested in volunteering as a Restaurant Host for A Taste for Life? Click here to fill in a Volunteer Application (or login with your existing volunteer login) to register!
Media Information
Social Media Profiles
- Facebook: www.facebook.com/TasteSudbury
- Twitter: www.twitter.com/TasteSudbury
- Instagram: www.instagram.com/ACCESS1989
- Local Hashtag: #TasteSudbury
- National Hashtag: #atasteforlife
Web Presence
- www.ReseauACCESSNetwork.com/TasteSudbury
- www.aTasteForLife.org/sudbury.html
Quick Facts
- 2024 is Sudbury’s 17th year participating in A Taste for Life
- Sudbury has raised over $110,000 to support people in our community affected by HIV/AIDS
- In 2017, total of $8,301 was raised for Réseau ACCESS Network
- The goal in 2024 is to raise $10,000
HIV & Hepatitis C Facts
- 7 Canadians are infected with HIV every day
- 21% of HIV positive Canadians don’t know their status
- An estimated 1 out of 100 Canadians has been infected with Hepatitis C in their lifetime
- A person can live 20 to 30 years with Hepatitis C without showing any symptoms
Media Contact
Telana LeClair, Volunteer & Resource Development Coordinator
Phone: (705) 688-0500, ext 215
Fax: (705) 688-0423
Email: [email protected]
Door Prizes
Come dine with us on April 17 for a chance to win one of two tickets for the Kinsmen Club of Sudbury 39th Showcase Sweepstakes!
Participating Organizations