Imminent Supervised Consumption Site Closure
Safe Consumption Sites (SCS) are places where people who use drugs (PWUD) can go to use pre-obtained drugs in a safe, empathetic place, free of stigma and discrimination. SCS are shown to help reduce the harms associated with criminalized drug use and help empower PWUD to make decisions regarding their own care.
PWUD have the opportunity to work with healthcare and harm reduction professionals to access education, sterile equipment, supervised consumption services, social services, and a rapid response in the event of an overdose.
In short, SCS save lives while empowering individuals to make decisions affecting their own lives and creating long term change.
Services Offered:
- Harm reduction supplies;
- Supervised consumption services;
- Overdose response;
- Case management;
- Needs assessment, housing referrals, advocacy.
- Smudging;
- Brief supportive counselling;
- First aid and initial assessments;
- Referral services;
- Harm reduction education.
Open 10 am to 4 pm everyday
Tuesday 10 am to 8pm

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Voicemail Phone Line

Frequently Asked Questions
Why can’t I just call someone?
The Supervised Consumption Site prioritizes the safety and security of members and staff. Therefore, to ensure privacy and the smooth operations of life saving measures at the site, all external calls go immediately to voicemail and are checked daily.
How does the SCS site work?
Members are able to access services starting at 10 am daily, until 4 pm – Tuesdays 10am to 8pm. Members will be able to access sterile harm reduction supplies or use the consumption room and have access to various social services, or medical referrals.
How does a SCS help people?
Supervised Consumption Sites provide a safe, empathetic space for people who use drugs to consume criminalized substances under the supervision of medical staff. By doing so, SCS help reduce fatalities associated with drug use. SCS also rebuild trust between people who use drugs and healthand social services providers which facilitates access to services when they are ready for them. SCS are proven to have a higher success rate than traditional “hard on drug” approaches.
Why are you distributing needles?
Harm reduction agencies provide sterile/new supplies to people who are seeking them. The provision of these sterile supplies helps reduce the transmission of bloodborne or bacterial infections. This provides agencies the opportunity to connect with people who use drugs, share harm reduction knowledge and strategies, and connect members with services and treatment options as requested.
Why don’t you provide treatment?
Services provided by Réseau ACCESS Network are focused on Harm and Risk Reduction. Referrals to treatment services are offered when requested by PWUD. By utilizing a SCS and outreach services, PWUD have greater autonomy to make decisions regarding their health, well-being, and substance use. This creates opportunities for linkages to health and social care including treatment when and if requested by PWUD.