The Agency provides educational workshops and webinars on a variety of topics centered around HIV, HCV, Harm Reduction and related health issues.

Explore the workshops currently available:
Réseau ACCESS Network
Réseau ACCESS Network Agency Information
Presentation discusses: the role of Réseau ACCESS Network within its’ key populations – the HIV/HCV community, as well as the 2S-LGBTQ+ and sex work communities. It outlines the services and programs/projects it provides, including its role in advocacy, and community development and identifies key partners.
HCV/Hepatitis C
HCV Clinical Staff
Presentation discusses: social determinants of health, transmission, clinical treatment of HCV, HCV and pregnancy, HCV exposure, HCV complication, antiretroviral therapy, symptoms, chronic HCV, RNA testing, diagnosis of acute and chronic HCV, challenges, HCV co-infections, staging and management, available treatment and services and resources available.
HCV 101
Presentation discusses: the history of HCV, key affected population, social determinants of health, transmission, basic treatment information, HCV prevent ion, living with HCV, universal precautions, testing and stigma and services and resources available.
HIV Policy and Community Agency Capacity Development
Presentation discusses: the importance of including an HIV and AIDS workplace policy, example of policy, basic HIV information, challenges, stigma, interventions to the workplace in order to make an impact on the pandemic, rights of people living HIV, key affected populations (cisgender women, transgender women, aboriginal women), services and resources available.
HIV 101
Presentation discusses: the history of HIV, key affected populations, social determinants of health, transmission, basic treatment information, HIV prevention, STl’s, living with HIV, universal precautions, testing, stigma and services and resources available.
Advanced HIV and Treatment *
presentation to be referred to the Sudbury HAVEN Program or done as partnership. Presentation discusses: social determinants of health, transmission, clinical treatment of HIV, HIV and pregnancy, HIV exposure, HIV complication, AIDS, antiretroviral therapy, testing options, acute retroviral syndromes, PREP, PEP, HIV staging management and services and resources available.
Women and HIV
Introduction to Women & HIV in Ontario
Covers HIV & HCV transmission, prevention and treatment basics, an overview of systemic risk factors related to the socio-determinants of health & connecting to WHAI’s priority areas of focus, a brief overview of WHAI & WHAI workshops/resources. Includes handouts and information sheets on topics covered as well as a statistical summary capturing the picture of women & HIV in Ontario. Concludes with a brief discussion to introduce topics of disclosure, stigma, mothering & HIV, LPW, WHAI’s collective art projects, Change maker’s postcard project.
HIV Disclosure & Women
Using the Women and HIV: A Disclosure Toolkit as a guide, this workshop walks through information about HIV disclosure, privacy legislation, policies, and guidelines for handling personal health information and the importance of these in building positive relationships with women. These include tips and strategies on how to create a welcoming and supportive space for disclosure, that build’s on women’s autonomy and sense of respect. It provides a space for discussion that covers strategies for the journey of support, before during and after HIV disclosure. In addition, the presentation concludes on an interactive component that incorporates learnings to be applied to a scenario-based discussion activity.
Women & Harm Reduction: A Capacity Building Workshop
Designed to help build and strengthen an organization or professional’s response to working with women who use drugs. The key audience being service providers and organizations with existing harm reduction services/practices in place. It can also be a helpful starting point for agencies that would like to learn more about how they can adapt services using a harm reduction-based approach to service delivery. Some of the discussion topics include: defining harm reduction, tips and strategies for service providers by and for women who use drugs, tips and recommendations on harm reduction kits and supplies, how to create an open welcoming space for women who use drugs.
Other topics that could be incorporated or facilitated as a stand-alone workshop or presentation:
- Introduction to HIV/HCV, transmission, testing, treatment, prevention (PEP & PrEP)
- Best practices for sexual health
- Harm reduction & overdose prevention.
Arts Based Workshops:
- Women are Change Makers; Interactive health and wellness arts-based workshop that encompasses identifying and celebrating strengths and connection to the community.
Smashing Stigma: Creative button making; arts-based interactive health and wellness workshop where participants share and learn and about the impacts of stigma while having the opportunity to create there own anti-stigma or positive message button/pin.
Community and Social Unity at a Time of Physical Distance: interactive arts-based health and wellness activity that can be facilitated from a distance. Participants can also choose to share there completed work with WHAI, who will be displaying submissions in a digital gallery.
Harm Reducation
Harm Reduction
Presentation discusses: the basics of HIV and HCV, harm reduction philosophy, RAN needle exchange program, marginalized and affected populations, barriers and stigma, evidence, basic statistical information, how you can help, volunteering and services and resources available.
Trauma Informed Care
Presentation discusses: Trauma & it’s impact, stigma, language, inclusiveness, power and privilege, harm reduction, HIV, and Hep C.
Safe Disposal Training
Presentation discusses: the basic of HIV and HCV, harm reduction philosophy, RAN needle exchange pro gram , safety, equipment and gear, importance of safe disposal, what happens if you are accidently stuck by a used needle, pep, marginalized and affected populations, barriers, stigma, and the importance of outreach services.
Presentation &/or Training discusses the basics of overdose recognition and response, including the proper administration of naloxone, cpr techniques, the recovery position, the importance of it availability, self-care, and trauma.
Overdose Recognition and Response
Overdose Recognition and Response training equips the learner with the knowledge to effectively identify the signs and symptoms of opioid overdose and respond accordingly. This presentation includes information about how opioids impact the body and includes a detailed overview and demonstration about how to safely use the lifesaving medication, naloxone. We include some needed context about how, and why naloxone use has been a necessary tool throughout the ongoing drug policy crisis.
Outreach Training 101
Outreach Training 101 provides service providers with a basic understanding of the history, aims and tensions present in outreach service delivery. We include practical strategies, safety tips, issues of confidentiality, and how to employ harm reduction models into the work. Finally, we share the impacts that prohibition has had on our community and how it has shaped the development of our outreach program at Réseau ACCESS Network.
Gay Straight Alliance- How to
Presentation discusses: the importance of having a GSA in school. Topics include, bullying, terminology, anti-oppression, benefits of having a GSA, intersectionality, steps to creating a GSA and services and resources available.
Sexual Diversity
Presentation discusses: openly homophobia, hetersexism and homo-negativity, terminology, gender and gender identity, assumption, stigma, HIV, creating safe spaces and inclusive services.
Safer Sex and STl’s (sexually Transmitted infections)
Presentation discusses sexually transmitted infections, including HIV and HCV, Prevention, Consent, Condoms, dental dams, insertive condoms, condom application, treatment options for STl’s, testing, services and resources available.
Reducing barriers to care for 2S-LGBTQ+ members of community
This presentation geared towards future and current service providers introduces topics related to barriers that 2S-LGBTQ+ members of community may face when accessing community health and well-being services. These barriers include stigma, discrimination, and actions resulting from heteronormativity. We discuss different forms of trauma, the need for informed care, and strategies to create affirming environments for 2S-LGBTQ+ members of community.
Duration: 60-75 min
History of Pride in Canada
This presentation provides an overview of Pride in Canada. The facilitator takes you through a timeline of important events throughout Canadian history that have contributed to present-day Pride celebrations.
Duration: 45-60 min
Safer Spaces
Presentation discusses: gender, gender identity, gender expression, challenges and opportunities for individuals who identify as 2S-LGTBQ+, stigma, assumptions, inclusive language, inclusion, diversity & visibility, HIV, safer sex, how to create a safe space for everyone visit SaferSpaces.ca to learn more or Connect with the local coordinator.
Older Adults
Presentation discusses: gender, gender identity, gender expression, stigma, ageism, health & safety, assumptions, inclusive language, inclusion, diversity & visibility, safer sex, challenges and opportunities for 2S-LGTBQ+ Older Adults. Learn more by visiting https://reseauaccessnetwork.com/new-horizons/
Sexual Health Education
Sexual Diversity
Presentation discusses: openly homophobia, hetersexism and homo-negativity, terminology, gender and gender identity, assumption, stigma, HIV, creating safe spaces and inclusive services.
Introduction to 2S-GBTQ+ Men and HIV
This workshop provides introductory information regarding HIV exposure, testing, treatment, and prevention as it relates to 2S-GBTQ men. Includes most recent provincial statistics, risk factors for HIV exposure, and effective prevention methods (PrEP).
Duration: 45-60 min
Best Practices for Sexual Health to Prevent HIV & STIs
This session covers topic such as informed consent, barrier methods to prevent sexually transmitted infections (STI’s) & sexual transmission of HIV, behaviors that pose a higher risk for HIV & STBBI transmission, and what to expect from HIV/STI testing.
Duration: 45-60 min

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Contact Information:
Please contact Heidi Eisenhauer, Manager of Programs and Services should you have questions about a workshop/training.
[email protected] | 705-688-0500 x217