Support Don’t Punish. Global Day of Action.

Réseau ACCESS Network is hosting an in-person event
held in solidarity with the Support. Don’t Punish. Global Day of Action.

The event HAS BEEN POSTPONED to Wednesday, June 28th.

It will take place in Memorial Park
at 163 Minto St. Greater Sudbury, ON from 11:00 A.M. until 3:00 P.M.
The goal of the event is to create awareness about harm reduction and evidence-based drug policies that prioritize public health and human rights.

Drug decriminalization is the process of eliminating criminal penalties
for drug use and possession, while still imposing civil penalties
such as fines or mandatory treatment.
This approach recognizes drug addiction as a public health issue
rather than a criminal one.
Countries such as Portugal and the Netherlands
have implemented drug decriminalization policies with success,
leading to lower rates of drug-related deaths, infections, and incarceration

The date of the event is no coincidence. June 26th marks the International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking – a day that many international governments mark by celebrating their records for drug arrests and seizures, including the execution of people convicted of drug related offences. The campaign’s Global Day of Action aims to reclaim and shift the narrative around this day. So, every year, a growing number of activists in dozens of cities around the world join in this unique and multi-faceted show of strength in favour of policy reform and harm reduction.

Support. Don’t Punish. Is a global grassroots-centred initiative.
The campaign is in support of the following key messages:

• The drug control system is broken and in need of reform.
• People who use drugs should no longer be criminalized.
• People involved in the drug trade should not face harsh or disproportionate
punishments, where retained.
• The death penalty should never be imposed for drug offences.
• Drug policy budgets need rebalancing to ensure health and harm reduction-based
responses are adequately financed





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Jun 28 2025


11:00 am - 3:00 pm


Memorial Park
Memorial Park


Réseau ACCESS Network
[email protected]